December 3 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Embedded HW and SW are the roots for every development in connected vehicles. The session addressess the key topics related to the core technologies, from connectivity issues to cybersecurity challenges and discusses the role 5G can play generally in the on-board technology mix.
Edoardo Calia, Deputy Director, LINKS Foundation
Paolo Giuseppetti, Member, TSP Association – Head of Innovation & Telematics Service Platform, Vodafone Automotive
Andrea Penza, Presidente Aict, society di Aeit, Associazione elettrotecnica italiana, e Presidente Intratel
Luca Rea, Responsabile Area Reti, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
Chairman: Edoardo Calia, Deputy Director, LINKS Foundation
11:30 am Welcome and opening remarks by the Chairman
11:35 am Fifth generation networks for the transport industry
The automotive sector is going through a period of great transformation, thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies and… READ MORE
Luca Rea, Responsabile Area Reti, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
11:55 am Distributed telemetry. Connectivity. Cybersecurity.
The development of cooperative technologies is core for the creation of new services and business models for tomorrow’s mobility
Paolo Giuseppetti, Member, TSP Association – Head of Innovation & Telematics Service Platform, Vodafone Automotive
12:15 pm Connected vehicles in the new urban mobility
Andrea Penza, Presidente Aict, society di Aeit, Associazione elettrotecnica italiana, e Presidente e a.d. Intratel
12:35 pm Edoardo Calia, Deputy Director, LINKS Foundation
12:50 pm Final remarks
1:00 pm End of Session